visitor experience, destination image, price perception, visitor satisfaction, revisit intentionAbstract
Finding out how tourist experience, perceptions of the location, and perceptions of pricing affect satisfaction and intention to return is the goal of this research. Visitors to the Museum of Jakarta (MoJa) made up the population under investigation. Using purposive sampling, 200 respondents in all were included in the sample. Through the use of smartPLS software, the data analysis method employs a structural equation model. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that destination image, price perception, tourist pleasure, and revisit intention are all significantly influenced by each other. On the other hand, the findings also demonstrate that visitor experience, visitor satisfaction, and destination image have no bearing on each other. This research is the first to measure visitors' willingness to return with moderation in visitor satisfaction by including price perception and visitor satisfaction variables in the model. This research's managerial implications suggest that the Museum of Jakarat's (MoJa) administration should step up initiatives that can enhance visitor experience and create a lasting impression.
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