parental engagement, learning loss, academic achievement, childrenAbstract
This study proposes a conceptual model focusing on parental engagement to mitigate children's learning losses, particularly highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic's educational disruptions. Recognizing the pandemic's impact, including widespread school closures and a swift transition to online learning, this model underscores the critical role of parents in addressing learning gaps. It integrates the Epstein Model of Parental Involvement with the Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler Model of Parent Involvement, aiming to enhance children's academic recovery through effective parental participation. The model emphasizes the importance of various parental involvement dimensions, including expectations, educational background, socioeconomic status, and digital engagement, as vital for supporting children's learning and development. It suggests that a strategic approach to parental engagement, informed by an understanding of social and cultural contexts, is essential for overcoming educational challenges and improving academic outcomes. The paper calls for further empirical research to validate and refine the model, advocating for studies that assess the impact of parental engagement strategies on mitigating learning losses. This research could significantly contribute to educational practices by providing insights into the role of parental engagement in fostering resilience and academic success amid post-pandemic recovery efforts.
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