service quality, customer satisfaction, expectations, perceptions, theme parkAbstract
Theme parks have been one of the fastest penetrating tourism sectors in the market and one of the great contributors in generating income in the whole tourism industry. However, despite being on the edge of the spotlight, the service quality of theme parks failed to penetrate in the tourism research, leading to lack of studies about the said matter. Furthermore, “Theme Park X,” one of the leading theme parks in the Philippines have received a large amount of bad reviews on their official website about the quality of their service. With both gaps being said, this study aimed to assess the customer satisfaction on the service quality of “Theme Park X” by assessing the customers’ expectations and perceptions and if there is a significant difference between the two variables using a SERVQUAL tool - RATER Model. After evaluating the results of the adapted and validated questionnaires that were distributed to 30 participants in the theme park before and after their experience of the Theme Park X’s services, the researchers found out that there is a significant difference between customers’ expectations and perceptions on the service quality for all dimensions, specifically the Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy, and Responsiveness, which indicate a discrepancy in their service quality that leads to dissatisfaction of the customers due to unmet expectations. With that being said, the researchers would like to recommend to the “Theme Park X,” as well as to the other theme parks within the country, to reevaluate the quality of service they provide and to better every areas that needs to be changed, and to consider listening to their customers’ feedback and concerns for them to be able to better and improve the areas in their service quality that needs improvement.
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