
  • KHALID ABARTAL Department of English Studies, Mohammed I University, Oujda, Morocco.
  • SOUMIA BOUTKHIL Department of English Studies, Mohammed I University, Oujda, Morocco.



nature, epistemologies of the north, epistemologies of the south, extraction


This study claims that epistemologies of the North and South hold contradictory perceptions vis-à-vis nature. Studying these perceptions is the interest of this present paper since it argues that Northern epistemologies adopt an objectifying visualization of nature compared with Southern epistemologies which hold an earthly centered and biocentric attitude regarding nature. This paper starts from the belief that nature is indispensable for the existence of Man on this planet and, hence, must be preserved for the coming generations. For epistemologies of the North, the research analyzes the work of Descartes who talked about res extensa and res cogitans, Rousseau who discussed the importance of the social contract in the organization of modern societies and Adam Smith who contributed in the development of capitalism. For epistemologies of the South, it refers to terms like pantheism which claims that God is everywhere, sumak kawsay or Pachamama which consider nature and earth as a mother that cares for her children. Utilizing the comparative approach in critiquing the two epistemologies, the research concludes that epistemologies of the South and the North must interfere and interact to learn from each other. This is very important for the development of knowledge in general and the preservation of nature in particular.


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How to Cite

ABARTAL, K., & BOUTKHIL, S. (2023). PERCEPTIONS ON NATURE THROUGH THE EPISTEMOLOGIES OF THE NORTH AND SOUTH. Quantum Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(5), 101–110.


