Puto Latik, Baranggay, Maglalatik, festivalAbstract
The Puto Latik Festival in Binan City, Laguna, which is a contemporary commemoration of the traditional feast of San Isidro Labrador, the Patron Saint of Farmers, is one of the city's cultural highlights. While "Latik" refers to the traditional dance "Maglalatik", which originated in the city, "Puto" refers to the well-known Puto Biñan. To honor the "Magpuputo" of Biñan's contributions to the pride and identity of the city, this study investigates the Cultural Awareness, Motivation and Satisfaction of Puto Latik Festival to the Residents of Biñan City, Laguna. Analyzing 381 responses in total with 127 responses each barangay from the immediate residents of three barangays, namely, Barangay Canlalay, Barangay, Poblacion and Barangay San Joseph where the festival was held. This study investigated how Cultural Awareness, Motivation, and Satisfaction affect one another using information gathered from locals that attend the Puto Latik festival. The structural analysis reveals that there is significant and no significant difference in the respondents’ assessment of the festival satisfaction, motivation and cultural awareness depending on the respondent’s demographic profile. When grouped by gender and educational attainment, the null hypothesis of no significant is not rejected however, when grouped by age there is a significant difference in festival motivation and by location the three factors have a significant difference. The results showed that community benefits and cultural and educational advantages are good predictors of residents' subjective measures of motivation, satisfaction and cultural awareness.
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