
  • MD ASHRAFUZZAMAN Department of Anthropology, University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
  • MD SAYEDUR RAHMAN Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Begum Rokeya University, Ranpur, Bangladesh.




development, cultural hegemony, economic hegemony, dependency, geopolitical tool, neo-liberalism


The concept of ‘development’ is one that could be likened to running after a moving train. It is a concept that has been constructed in a particular history, culture and time, linked with industrialization, economic growth, and social transformations through economic, political and social re-arrangements creating a modern ‘state besides over the years the world has been confronted by a number of development challenges. Critical perspectives on development such as post-development, reject the idea of development as a universal necessity, as something desirable and a moral imperative, and as something that the Western world is entitled to bring about in other regions of the world. Post-development argues that the west proclaimed development as a universal and ahistorical process based on its own local experience. The starting point of this paper is the following question: What is the role of the notions of agency and power in the post-development Critique on the development discourse and Practices? Hence through review of the scholar's analysis this paper tries to reflect that development as a eurocentric myth, economic hegemony, economical dependency, legitimacy and power and geopolitical tool which is ruining the social system of development partitioner. Therefore, based on this background, this study will try to analyze the development process according to the power relations between the participants.


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How to Cite

ASHRAFUZZAMAN, M., & RAHMAN, M. S. (2022). A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT PARADIGM. Quantum Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(1), 26–36. https://doi.org/10.55197/qjssh.v3i1.121


