Plagiarism and Language Policy

All articles submitted to the Quantum Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (QJSSH) will be checked using Turnitin software. Authors should aware that submitted paper to QJSSH may undergo Turnitin at any point during the peer-review or production process. Any plagiarism (as well as self-plagiarism) made to QJSSH journal will be investigated by the editor, and all named authors of the paper will be contacted for an explanation regarding on overlapping materials. If explanation is not satisfied, the submission to QJSSH journal will be rejected and no future submissions may be accepted for a period of three (3) years.

Authors have the right to appeal for editorial decisions. Appeals should be sent via e-mail to the Editor at with a letter of appeal giving detailed explanations along with concise supporting arguments to substantiate the request. Appeals are then sent to a member of the Editorial Board for consideration. If successful, an appeal can lead to the article’s review being resumed, and the article may ultimately be published following any revisions the Board feels are necessary. However, if the appeal is rejected, then the original decision of rejection will be remained. Please note that QJSSH journal should receive your appeal within working day, and the process may take approximately 30 working days.

QJSSH journal accepts manuscripts written in English, Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesia. Manuscripts written in Bahasa Malaysia or Bahasa Indonesia are compulsory to submit the title, abstract and keywords in English version.