TVET, academic pathway, higher learning, critical employment, industrial opportunitiesAbstract
The TVET agenda is rapidly increasing the government's priorities. Articulation principles for the TVET program introduced by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) opened a new chapter in the country's education system. This principle has consolidated the assessment of industry and academic skills and allowed student mobility within all TVET providers in Malaysia. This article discusses the continuity of TVET programs from school to higher education to enhance the interest in TVET as the preferred educational pathway. The focus of the discussion is on the relationship between the types of programs offered, industry needs, and the employment of graduates. The article tries to answer two very basic questions, which are, what are the types of TVET programs offered? And, is the offering of TVET programs in line with industry needs? Generally, the marketability of TVET graduates is higher than that of public universities and private higher learning institutions. There are various options for TVET graduates to pursue higher education. The challenge is to develop an evaluation process for the industry and academic skills equivalent to TVET graduates. Higher learning institutions are urged to seize the opportunity from TVET graduate’s enrolment to enrich the curriculum and promote high technology innovations needed in the industry.
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