equipment, information communication and technology (ICT), technological gadgets, mathematicsAbstract
This study aimed to assess the current levels of use of Information Communication and technology (ICT) equipment in San Mateo, Isabela to gain a deeper understanding on the effect of ICT in learning mathematics. Descriptive research design was utilized in the conduct of the study to finds out the respondent’s perception of the availability of technological gadgets and its effect in teaching mathematics in public secondary high school in San Mateo, Isabela. Mean and ranking were used to gain understanding on the impact of using modern gadgets to assist teachers in teaching secondary mathematics. The study revealed that most teachers are somewhat familiar with using technological tools or equipment’s due to the fact that majority of the respondents have a mid- range socio economic status. The data from the study also shows that the selected public schools in San Mateo, Isabela have adequate and often used ICT equipment in teaching mathematics and this greatly affects the effectivity of the used of ICT in teaching Mathematics. Hence, the study showed problems in the implementation of ICT in teaching Mathematics, particularly the deficiencies in the number of computers in labs. To improve this study, there should be continuous support in improving Mathematics program in terms of expanded activities. Teachers should provide an environment of discovery to engage the students in Math exploration and promotion of advocacy that supports the utilization of ICT in teaching mathematics like benchmarking and brainstorming, wide dissemination, and implementation on the used of ICT in teaching mathematics.
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